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When it comes to fuelling your runs, there's only three things that really matter
1. Does it Give You Enough Energy?
This first point is one that we all are pretty familiar with by now, we all know that our bodies need energy to run. If you run long enough then you'll need to top up those stores sooner rather than later.
2. Can You Eat it On The Move?
There's more though to topping up your energy stores though than just eating pure sugar. You also need to take into consideration, whether is all about what you can carry and what you can eat while still keeping moving. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has struggled with strange cravings on long runs but regardless of how much you fancy fish and chips in the middle of those long winter runs they aren't ever going to be practical.
3. Does it Make You Feel Good?
The third and final point is often overlooked by those who focus solely on the carbs and calories in products. If something doesn't make you feel good, both as you eat it and afterwards, then chances are that as the going gets tough you'll just stop eating it. This is why we are such big advocates of sports nutrition that tastes great and doesn't leave your stomach in pieces.
There is a however a underused food type that ticks all three of the above boxes and some. I'm talking of course about dried fruit - raisins, dried apricots, dried bananas, dates, dried cranberries, you name it!
Dried fruit is packed with natural sugars, in fact a small serving of raisins (just under 30g) has a whopping 22g of carbs. They are also extremely energy dense as just like dehydrated food, most of the water has been removed. Meaning a small bag of dried fruit won't take up much room in your bag but will give you a big boost.
Most importantly though, dried fruit tastes fantastic and that means that the next time you find yourself flagging on the trail you won't need persuading to reach for your fuel pack.