Giving back to the community is something that we have always valued, whether that's marshalling at local races or helping out charitable organisations. In fact it's one of our favourite parts about running a business, as it allows us to share our success with those we believe in.

- In 2024 our running total will have exceeded £50,000 of contributions to environmental causes.
- In 2024 the recipients were Bumblee Bee Conservation Trust, Trees for life and Fix the Fells.
- In August 2016 we joined 1% For The Planet, a charity that asks businesses to give 1% of Sales (not an artificially managed profit figure) to environmental charities that they believe in.

Bumblebee Conservation
The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns about the ‘plight of the bumblebee’
Over the past century, our bumblebee populations have crashed. Two species have become nationally extinct and several others have declined dramatically.
Bumblebees are familiar and much-loved insects that pollinate our crops and wildflowers, so people are rightly worried. We have a vision to create a world where bumblebees are thriving and valued. Our mission is to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees. A growing number of committed supporters are helping our team of staff make a big difference.

Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust
Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT) is a small charity doing big things to support the people, landscape and wildlife of the Dales.
To date the charity has helped to deliver inspiring projects in the Yorkshire Dales and surrounding areas.
These projects cover areas as diverse as countryside apprenticeships, supporting local communities,
education and outreach, restoring woodlands and wildlife habitats, and improving access and
understanding of this special place.
The Trust has recruited more than 60,000 supporters to date. Find out more at

Fix the Fells
- Fix the Fells have over the last ten years repaired over 200 sections of paths in mainly in the Lake District (a beautiful place very dear to us).
- They show no signs of slowing down either as over the next ten years they aim to repair a further 120 paths, whilst continuing to maintain the existing network.
- They only use quality, sustainable solutions and a combination of prevention and restoration techniques to make sure that their impact on the environment is minimal.

Trees for Life
- Trees for Life is focused on restoring the Caledonian forest and all its flora and fauna to it's former glory.
- They do this by protecting the existing trees, planting new ones and keeping the invasive species at bay.
- Trees for life have set up 44 major planting areas in the Scottish Highlands.
- Most impressive of all they plant 60,000 trees and remove miles of redundant fencing every year.
Thanks to our latest support they will be planting another 260 trees in the Chia Charge Grove.
Recycke Y'Bike
- A Newcastle based charity that takes in used bikes from members of the public and fixes them up.
- They take in over 2000 bikes a year!
- These second hand bikes are fixed up by their talented team of qualified mechanics, and sold to fund their Charitable Goals.
- This includes sending around 500 bikes a year to development projects in Kenya and Gambia.
- They also give bikes to refugees and asylum seekers in the Newcastle and Gateshead area.
Thanks to our latest support they will also be sending one of their mechanics to Kenya to train people out there to become bike mechanics too.
Reckye A Bike

- Recyke-a-bike is a Stirling Based Charity that takes old, unloved bikes and gives them a new lease of life.
- Their main aims are to get more people into employment, while helping more people to choose cycling as a low carbon mode of transport (It's also better for your health and fun too.) and keeping bikes from ending up in landfill.
- What started as a small recycling social enterprise quickly grew into a job club using the bike recycling as work experience.
- They've since grown to include training services and cycling outreach work, in addition to bike recycling and sales.
- With the help of our customers support they will be able to get a Recyke A Bike Van.
Put simply, they really want to get more people into work and more bikes into the community.
And there's more
We also occasionally make small donations to different charities around the country for many different reasons, a typical donation might be £100 to a Dance group, Eating Disorder Charity, Diabetes UK or a Playground being built in memory of a friends son.
These are typically because of personal connections, a prompt from a loyal customer or a supported athletes activity, usually low profile and we don't bang on about these, it's just doing the right thing.
If you have any questions on this, we'll do our best to answer them.