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Tips and Motivation

The London Marathon Cheat Sheet

The London Marathon Cheat Sheet

The London Marathon is at the top of a lot of runners and non runners bucket lists and with good reason. There really is no other event like it anywhere else, a perfect combination of a madcap festival and a super serious sporting event. London Marathon 2025: Sunday 27th  April As the big day gets ever closer we thought we'd put together the ult...
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Energy bars, Flapjacks  how do you know to spot the good stuff?

Energy bars, Flapjacks how do you know to spot the good stuff?

At Chia Charge, we believe in transparency and providing our customers with the best possible products and information. We understand that the market is flooded with various energy bars, making it challenging to choose the right one. To assist you, we've compared our Chia Charge flapjacks with popular brands like Science in Sport (SiS), HIGH5, a...
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Customer Spotlight: Bridget's Amazing Journey to Ironman Success

Customer Spotlight: Bridget's Amazing Journey to Ironman Success

We are delighted to share a truly inspiring story with the Chia Charge community today! Our good friend and long time customer Bridget, has graciously provided us with an extensive race report from her recent Ironman race where she achieved an outstanding 2nd place finish. The dedication, strategic planning and nutrition that she put into her tr...
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5 Top Tips for Race Planning by Eilish McColgan

5 Top Tips for Race Planning by Eilish McColgan

   Eilish McColgan in 2022 set a new European and GB record at 10k at the Manchester 10k  in May 2022.  This year she's planning on the London Marathon in April. She was kind enough to share her 5 top tips for race planning a while ago. 1. Work Backwards. Whatever your biggest goal is - write the date in the diary and work backwards from it. Th...
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Is Stretching after a Run a Good Idea?

Is Stretching after a Run a Good Idea?

Stretching after a run is not just a good idea—it's essential for keeping your body in tip-top shape. But hey, we get it. Sometimes you finish a run, and the last thing you want to do is go through a whole stretching routine. That's where we come in, mates! We've got your back with the lowdown on the six best stretches to do post-run. Stick with...
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Reasons to Love Running through Storm Dennis

Reasons to Love Running through Storm Dennis

So far this month has not been an easy one for us runners we've been battered first by Storm Ciara which scuppered many a training run and cancelled more than a few races and now by Storm Dennis.  The weather may be grim and there seems to less runners out each miserable morning. But you don't need to be beaten, with just a decent pair waterproo...
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Four Fantastic Reasons to Relish Rest Days

Four Fantastic Reasons to Relish Rest Days

Sometimes a cliche is just a tired and hackneyed expression and other times it's a nugget of wisdom. The old coaches favourite of it's not how hard you train but how hard you recover is one of those nugget cliches. Deep down we all know that recovery is important, that's why we try to get lots of sleep and eat our veggies. But with many of us ei...
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Shaun Mc Farlane : The Spine

Shaun Mc Farlane : The Spine

"This race is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life….This race will make grown men and women cry like babies then spit you out. You must have some kind of emotional attachment to this race ….or you will fall at the first hurdle."

We caught up with Shaun McFarlane to chat about his recent Spine race completion. Don't miss out on his training secrets, his highlights from the race as well as lots of his Spine kit recommendations and top tips. 

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Fighting Fatigue

Fighting Fatigue

On paper The Spine, the 268 mile foot race across the Pennine Way should be the most boring sporting event of the year. It's long and the course isn't exactly spectator friendly (freezing cold and spread out runners aren't a perfect match). Instead it's arguably one of the most exciting Ultra Races going with 1000's of dedicated dot watchers and...
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Five Fantastic Reasons to run an Ultra Marathon

Five Fantastic Reasons to run an Ultra Marathon

Once the domain of mythical tribesmen and super athletes Ultra Marathons used to be something that most normal runners couldn't even fathom. Times however have changed and so has the perception of what a 'normal' runner can achieve. Which thankfully has lead to a huge rise in the amount of Ultra Marathons out there, ranging from 50ks to the nigh...
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Cheat the Chill

Cheat the Chill

 As they say up my way, it’s turning! The weather is certainly feeling a lot fresher at the moment as those golden, crisp days of autumn subside and we’re waking up to a layer of frost on the trails. As nice as it is not to be drenched in sweat every time you finish a run, it can also be tricky to know how to stay comfortable once the cold kicks...
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Recharge for the New Year: Looking Forward to Getting Back to Running

Recharge for the New Year: Looking Forward to Getting Back to Running

  Introduction The holidays are nearly over and for many of us that means getting back into our routines. Maybe for you that means hitting the gym again or going for a run. We all know that feeling of getting back into a routine after taking some time off: it's not always easy, but it's always worth it.   We're excited to get back to running (an...
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