I had come up with the idea of a gingerbread smoothie but it didn't quite turn out as planned so I adapted it and made it a festive smoothie. I am not qualified in nutrition but having met dietitian Renee McGregor I think that this smoothie is great for recovery with protein from milk, yogurt and chia seeds as well as fresh ginger which is a nat...
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Chia seeds used to be a bit of an oddity. On the one hand they are this almost unparalleled nutritional powerhouse packing more goodness gram for gram than anything else I can think of.
However these tiny, flavourless, black seeds just aren't quite sexy enough to ever really get the media attention they deserve. As a result the humble chia seed ...
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This is a really simple and convenient way to add more chia seeds to your diet!
The seeds will take 10-20 minutes to hydrate
You are making a real food drink with real food, so it might take a tiny bit of attention and a few extra seconds, but like anything once you've worked out your system, it will become second nature.
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Grain-Free Chia Buckwheat Pizza
This thin crust chia buckwheat pizza is perfect for those who love pizza and want a healthy, nutritious twist to the usual carb-heavy style.
Pizza Base
-¼ cup chia seeds (whole)
-3/4 cup of water
-1 tsp dried oregano
-3 tbsp unrefined whole grain buckwheat flour (gluten free)
-1 tbsp chopped pine ...
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Is there anyone who doesn’t like flapjacks? They’ve become a favourite amongst fitness types because they provide a quick release of long lasting carbs from the oats, taste great and are easy to carry in your bag. I’ve been making flapjacks for years in commercial kitchens...
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We love oats. We use them in our flapjacks, we mix them in our smoothies at home and especially at this time of year we're making a tonne of porridge with them.
So then it should come as no surprise then that when the opportunity arose (after four years of being rebuked) to show off what I can do with a pan full of oats at the World Porridge C...
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In principle smoothies are fantastic, you take a load of healthy ingredients blend them all together and hey presto you have a quick and nutritious breakfast. Which is well and good, unless like me you find that a liquid breakfast leaves you hungry by 10am. This is where the smoothie's heartier big brother steps in - The Smoothie Bowl.
What is ...
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We love oats. We use them in our flapjacks, we mix them in our smoothies at home and especially at this time of year we're making a tonne of porridge with them.
There is nothing better (in my entirely subjective opinion) than a piping hot bowl of porridge to set you up for a long run on the blustery and wet trails or just to keep you full till ...
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Two Smoothie Recipes Packed with 30gs of Protein below.
Is there any better feeling than absolutely crushing those tough sessions? There’s something so empowering about bossing a hideous hill sprint session, flying through a long run out or annihilating the brutal gym session you’ve been dreading all week. The thing is though the tougher the se...
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If you like a chocolate mousse but want to avoid processed and refined foods, this is a winner. It is very filling and you can play with the flavours and additions to make it your own.
1 ½ cups almond milk (or other plant milk of your choice)1/3 cup chia seeds¼ cup cocoa or cacaopowder2-5 tbsps of maple syrup or agave nectar½ tsp c...
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Thanks to Kim Cavill for this great quick and easy recipe!
Refined, sugar free, 4-ingredient cookies
A nice cup of tea and a sit down is obviously one of life’s great pleasures. Whether you’re the PG Tips, Earl Grey or heck, even peppermint type, taking a few minutes to enjoy a warm beverage can really enhance your day. An even bigger debate is...
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Thanks Annette Raffan, who writes a cool vegan blog called My Dandelion Mind who has allowed me to publish a couple of her posts.
Overnight porridge is amazing and you should totally try it if you haven’t done so yet. It’s so easy to do – just shove everything in a bowl and put in the fridge overnight. I much prefer it to traditional hot porrid...
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