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If this page has not answered a question you have in mind, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Not only do I hope to answer your question but I hope to update this page so that it may answer it for others.
We don't do anything than can be declared gluten free, due to the legal levels of gluten freeness that have to be achieved (20 ppm or less of gluten or 0.002%). Our flapjacks all contain oats, these are not gluten free oats. The Karma bars and Protein bars have no gluten containing ingredients. The chia seeds and the nut butters have no gluten containing ingredients.
The Mini Flapjacks (berry, original and banana varieties) are all produced in a nut free factory as are the Banana, Berry and Original 80g Flapjacks, everything else whilst not peanut containing is in the "may be contaminated / traces of " category.
Oats allegedly can be contaminated in the field by wheat growing alongside the oats We don't use gluten free oats, just regular oats. I'd suggest if you are very sensitive that you would be best going for products that are guaranteed gluten and wheat free. We are happy to say that we don't put wheat into the flapjacks, so if you're very sensitive to low levels of wheat, they might be best to not use Chia Charge flapjacks.
Chia is manly grown in South and Latin America, and this is where ours comes from Bolivia, Argentina or Mexico for example. The first batch of chia charge has been made using organic chia seeds. There are some grown in Australia also.You can find out more about the Superfood by clicking here.
The seeds are a food, this is a guiding principle of the business, its about real food, not mucked about with, and this is a natural way for them to be consumed.
Whole seeds do break down in the body, and this is the way I understand that chia is usually used, I like the natural gel that the seeds form in the bottle, and if I’m not running I like watching the way they float around in a drink.
Just a sprinkle would be fine, but not heaps to make them choke, make sure you have plenty of fluid, water and drinks are the stuff that makes the whole body work.
The government warning on packs of chia seeds, is more to do with EU protectionist regs, than any scientific facts.
The flavourings used are all NATURAL, in the Cocoa Karma, chocolate flavouring to help boost the flavour and similarly with the Coffee, a bit of natural coffee flavouring to boost the Coffee that is in there, hope this helps, please let me know of any other questions at all.
I would do half to 1 whole flapjack between 30 and 90 minutes before your run and then a protein bar afterwards, and/or a milk shake. Remember to try everything out during your training, nutrition, kit and pace are all best practised to ensure you are familiar with everything in time for race day.
We don’t use it in any of our products, sustainable or otherwise.
Fuelling is like anything else in your running, you need to practise what works and what doesn't. I generally would have something an hour before I run for a long run. If you are doing 5K, you don't really need anything, if you are out running for a couple of hours it going to need some planning. After a run you need to reload with the right things, Renee has written a good blog over here, please have a read of that and hopefully you'll get some ideas for you.
If this page has not answered a question you have in mind, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Not only do I hope to answer your question but I hope to update this page so that it may answer it for others.