Congratulations! You're going to run a marathon!
If the initial excitement has started to wear off and you're beginning to wonder how the hell you're legs are going to cover 26.2 miles in just a few hours, breathe. You're definitely up for the challenge or you wouldn't have signed up in the first place, so here are our top tips for making sure t...
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This Blog was written for us by the incredible - Kim Cavill and originally appeared on her site Cavill Coaching
“What’s your next challenge?” is a common question when you are a runner. The questioner is usually referring to a race: maybe you just completed a half marathon so they assume you’re raring to step up to the big 26.2, or maybe you’r...
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We like sending out packages of Chia Charge goodness, we always pop in a little bit of inspiration for everyone, this is our compliments card inside (with a 20% discount code).
This year we have featured Jayson Cavill one of our supported athletes, here is Jayson in the Alps together with one of his favourite quotes.
and also Anna Clark...
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Thank you to Mike Gaddas of Colconquerors for writing this great guide for us.
Riding a 100 miles is a phenomenal achievement in itself, especially when those 100 miles also see you climb 1,754m, as the Velo Birmingham does. There are however a few little race day tweaks that you can do to increase both your performance and enjoyment on the day....
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It's no great stretch to say that Chia Charge was conceived out on the trails. It was our love of trail running that led to our desire for a tasty, easy to eat energy bar, which would allow us to stay out there longer. In turn those flapjacks have fueled 1000's of runners, mountain bikers and explorers alike, most of whom like us enjoy nothing m...
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Lynne isn’t a professional athlete, she doesn’t ride for a big team or get her expenses paid for by a host of sponsors. Lynne trains on her own time, fitting sessions in around work and life’s other commitments. Simply put Lynne is just like you and I, a normal person with a real penchant for fitness. And that love of fitness is how Lynne first ...
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Last week we shared the madness that is 24 hour Mountain Biking and introduced Nigel and Donna who together form Team No Idea. Don’t be fooled by their Battenburg themed cycling tops and the humble downplaying of their skills, this Yorkshire duo are phenomenal athletes and wizards on bikes, to whom sleep is nothing more than an optional extra.
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Cycling for 24 hours straight is such a feat it would be more than most people could even fathom let alone attempt. Now add into that mix temperatures which regularly hit the mid thirties, dark nights, perilous mountain trails, hundreds upon hundreds of other riders all pushing for the same lines and you get a little insight into the madness tha...
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Shelli Gordon is not an easy person to track down, fortunately Tim and I managed to find a few minutes with her inbetween the school run, training and work to find out how she is feeling about her first 200 mile race on Friday. Click below to see our short interview.
A post shared by chiacharge (@chiacharge) on May 2, 2017 at 12:03pm PDT
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Thanks to Jayson Cavill, Marathon & Ultra Marathon Runner, Lakeland 50 winner (twice and current record holder) for these tips, more info on Jayson's other activities at the end of this blog.
The big day has finally arrived, after a restless nights sleep in a strange hotel you wake up early to give yourself time to wash, eat put on your race...
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Congratulations to Kim Cavill who won the 2017 edition of the Hardmoors 55 last weekend and here are her thought following a great run and a lot of focussed training and effort, there's a link to Kims blog at the bottom, hope you enjoy reading her story. Kim is also a prolific Chia Charge recipe creator and baker (makes great cookies:)
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Many thanks to Nigel Smith for sharing his account of the 2017 Strathpuffer with us, things don't always go to plan, knowing when to drop out of a race can be a tough decision, but with a full season planned ahead.... anyway, this is how the story unfolds.
Mention the word Strathpuffer to any cyclist who is aware of the event and you will see ...
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