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March 18, 2020

With races being cancelled and pasta, that classic staple of many a runner, disappearing from the shelves along with toilet paper, it looks like us runners are going to be in for at the very least, a tough few weeks.  Along with everyone else of course.

But just because we need to taking more precautions to help curtail the spread of the Corona Virus, doesn't mean that you have to give up training and be condemned to losing all your hard earned progress. Instead we've got a few tips to keep you going, obviously we're runners like you and not doctors, so please don't take this as medical advice.  

1. Get outside.

So far all the research and advice is pretty clear on this - it's safer to be outside than inside when it comes to avoiding disease. Despite the valiant efforts of gym owners out there, it's hard to stop someone coughing and spluttering on the treadmill before you and not cleaning it afterwards. The best plan for running right now is to go out in the wild for a solo run and enjoy the outdoors.

Not only will this keep your sanity but some daily exercise is a great way to get your immune system in tip top shape and stave those pesky viruses off. Just be sure that if you’re sick or at-risk of spreading the virus, you absolutely Don’t go out.

2. Stick to the trails where possible.

Your chances of going for a run outside and stumbling across someone who is already sick is probably quite low as the virus can make running unpleasant to say the least.

But you're always better safe than sorry, trails are almost always quieter and lets be honest more fun than busy city routes. 

If you find yourself in a group or on a particularly crowded route, just do the sensible things like don't hold strangers hands and give spitters plenty of room... 

There really is no need to wear a face mask or surgical gloves for your morning run, unless you have an elevation mask you've been dying to use. Just give your hands a good wash when you get back.

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3. Avoid touching things.

It doesn't look like coronavirus lasts too long on surfaces outside because of the exposure to sunlight. Which should mean that in general, things like hand rails and traffic lights should have little to none of the virus on them. Honestly though if you can poke touch the traffic light button with a knuckle and don't touch your face after, even better.

4. Make the most of your cancelled races.

We know how hard it is to hear that a race you've been working towards for months has been cancelled. Instead of giving up or going and finding another race with a more laissez faire approach to your health. Consider using the extra time to build on your fitness even more. On the day of your race, go for a long and hard training run/replica race at about 85% of your race distance, then take a week off as a deload and getting back to training as normal.


5. Work on weaknesses

If pushed we all have a list of mobility and strength imbalances that we just haven't got round to fixing yet. Well now is your chance, build those hamstrings up, stretch those quads out and bulletproof your ankles. What's more you can do all this from the safety and comfort of your own home. 

There you have it, five simple steps to staying sane, safe and speedy during these confusing times. Plus we hear that the trails are super quiet right now...

Also in Tips and Motivation

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