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We want you to be safe this Autumn
This blog was written to go with the Run to the Hills Podcast 34 sponsored by Chia Charge
Here are some simple security tips for looking after yourself when out running. Follow the PACER mnemonic
Plan you run:
Avoid patterns
Ensure awareness: (Biggest part of security is about situational awareness)
- You want to enjoy your run but you want to be safe. If you’re going to be on full alert all the time you’re going to be exhausted and not enjoy your run - After all you’re not Kevin Costner in bodyguard so try to use the traffic light system to raise and lower your alert state depending on your surroundings and the likelihood of a problem occurring. If you’re in wide open spaces in broad daylight and you can clearly see no trouble on the horizon, adopt a green mentality. If you’re running at night in a dark part of town with a couple of people hanging round a cash machine suspiciously, adopt a red alertness. Try to gauge your surroundings and adapt your level of alertness accordingly. Remember this when planning your route. This will help you visualize the areas you need to raise your alertness.
- If you’re running a route you know well, don’t be complacent – remain aware of changes in your surroundings, especially if you’re running at a different time of day (could you get disoriented when running a familiar route at night, would you run through some areas at different times of day, busy street on market day? Isolated industrial areas at night?)
- If you don’t know the area you’re running in, do some research, ask the local running club of some good safe routes or the hotel staff if travelling, plan your route carefully (google maps, etc).
- Be aware that you will be potentially tired and hungry and therefore less aware of your surroundings potentially. Also don’t have earphones in. This reduces your situational awareness massively and allows people to approach more easily.
Rely on your gut:
When there is doubt, there is no doubt- Change your route, seek shelter and avoid the area of concern and communicate asap when safe to do so. Worst case you feel a bit embarrassed for getting spooked but you may well have avoided a significant incident which could have been far worse. Most victims say: ‘well I knew it wasn’t quite right but I carried on anyway’ Listen to your gut!
Free To Run organisation links are here
The podcast page is here, look for Episode 34 Run to the Hills Podcast 34 sponsored by Chia Charge
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