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November 27, 2020

Run to the Hills podcast sponsored by Chia Charge are offering a special Christmas competition. In keeping with the spirit of Christmas this one is all about giving rather than receiving!

So instead of trying  to win a prize for yourself we are asking you to nominate a friend for the prize.  Here is an outline of the prize

Weekly training plan 

Co-host Edwina Sutton will write a personised training plan each week to help the winner prepare for their ultra-race in 2021 

Feedback from sessions

One of the many advantages of having a personal training plan is the regular feedback and the opportunity for the plan to change and adapt to real life.

Monthly chat with John

A key part of the prize will be to feature on the 'Run to the Hills' podcast / YouTube channel so our listeners can follow the journey of the winner. Each month John will interview the runner to find out how their training and preparation is going. 

Race video

If possible John will produce a video of the chosen race featuring the winner. Please note this will be dependant on which race it is!


From Chia Charge

Chia Charge flapjacks

A box of the excellent flapjacks to keep you going!

To enter the competition and nominate a friend please fill in the following form and email to runtothehills@chiacharge.co.uk

Click the link below  🔽 
