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“I’m often asked why I run. The answer is simple, because I love it. Running makes me feel happy, gives me space to have my own thoughts, the freedom to explore otherwise forgotten places and remote landscapes – it gives me a reason for adventure.”
Mimi Anderson is something of a wonder woman. By 36 years old most notable runners are looking to bring their careers to an end having passed their prime, Mimi Anderson an exception to that rule. She started running at 36 and went from struggling to run more than five minutes on a treadmill without gasping for breath, to being one of the world’s most inspirational female distance runners and a multiple Guinness world record holder.
Mimi’s running has taken her across the world, finding her running through deserts, mountains, the Arctic, the Peruvian jungle and the extreme heat of Death Valley in America.
Mimi collected the record for running John O’Groats to Lands End (840 miles in 12 days, 15 hours 46 minutes). As co-founder of Freedom Runners, in 2014 Mimi ran 1,223 miles across South Africa to raise awareness and funds to support an initiative that addressed feminine hygiene management and education in that country. This provided 400 girls with reusable feminine hygiene products, enabling them to remain in education.
In 2017 Mimi took on her biggest challenge yet: attempting to run across America from Los Angeles all the way to New York City in World Record time.
Sadly however for Mimi and all those involved, running 50 plus miles a day for 38 days straight took its toll and on day 40 Mimi had to make the tough decision. Does she push on and risk being unable to do future challenges or does she accept defeat and live to fight another day? Thankfully Mimi settled on the latter and rightly so as an MRI scan confirmed the worst. That the mileage and tight schedule had aggravated an old injury and she is left without any functioning cartilage on the right side of her knee.
As we couldn't go out to support Mimi in person, we sent her off with a whole host of Chia Charge goodies including our famous flapjacks.
Since that disappointment, Mimi’s resilience and determination have allowed her to continue her journey, just on two wheels rather than two legs. She took up the challenge of overcoming her fear of water by learning to swim front crawl and taking part in her first triathlon. You can read more about her adventures on her blog.