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“Since reading Born to run and hearing all about the amazing benefits of Chia seeds, me and my wife have used them regularly in our diet, having a ready made flapjack with these in is an absolute bonus!”
Jayson has always enjoyed spending time outdoors. From the age of 14 this was spent mountain biking above anything else. He joined the British Army at 17, which, through extensive military training (running in boots whilst carrying equipment) and serving with a professional, dedicated unit, exposed him further to the outdoors. In 1999 he achieved one of his life’s ambitions - passing the ‘All Arms Commando Course’, earning the coveted Green Beret in the process.
After eight years of service he left to pursue other life ambitions, progressing to downhill mountain bike racing. Travelling around the UK, he won several national races in his age category. In 2011 he joined his local running club (Pickering RC). Initially this was to help with his biking fitness although he soon discovered a natural aptitude and passion for the discipline.
A turning point for Jayson came in July 2012 when he spent 36 hours on a running adventure with friends. As well as the social aspect of running, he relished the feeling of achievement: “The feeling of happiness and freedom I felt from spending so much time running over that period felt quite magical at the time”. Since then, running has been his sole focus and he hasn’t looked back.
Jayson now runs Cavill coaching with his wife Kim.